

今回のスタッフブログは理事のKristen Baileyが

This blog is written by Kristen Bailey, a director of Harmony International.
Please read on.

The Art of Doing Nothing

Did you know that you can appear to be doing nothing, but actually healing yourself?
This pandemic taught me many lessons. Living in California during the COVID-19 lockdown and quarantine, I learned our mental health is just as important as our physical health. Many people experienced extreme stress, unable to go to their jobs or to visit friends or family. Stores, restaurants, and every other “non-essential business” shut down, causing many people to be unemployed.

It was during this difficult time that I realized the truth: “We cannot truly help others without first taking care of our own condition.”

Sitting outside under great trees, I watched birds hopping and squirrels pulling fruit off of my neighbor’s tree. Focusing on my inhale and exhale, I was training my mind to slow down just like my body. I spent my time getting my yoga teacher training certification when I couldn’t fly for my job as a flight attendant with an international airline.

Being a flight attendant, we always tell passengers, “If there is an emergency, you have to put on your oxygen mask first and then help others!” We tell passengers this because if they can’t breathe during the emergency, then they pass out before they can help another person!

Taking care of our mental health before we care for others can be done in small gestures that make a big difference. For example, when we are angry, we can take time to walk, breathe, be calm, and then to be honest with the other person. It is mentally healing to be honest about our feelings to ourselves and to others.

As parents and caregivers, it’s easy to get so busy feeding other people, caring for other people that we burn out and forget to care for ourselves. Statistics show that our mental health impacts our lives in a very real way. According to information from the Center for Disease Control and the National Alliance on Mental Illness in the United States, “Depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy $1 trillion a year in lost productivity.”

Our self care does not have to be selfish, but can include and help our loved ones at the same time. For example, when things get very busy or stressful, choosing to make a specific time to enjoy nature together with our children or family, to journal and encourage them to write or draw too, or to practice breathing exercises together are all helpful ways to stay mentally healthy.

As I return to my work as a flight attendant and life gets busier, I find little ways to heal myself. As a Christian, when I pray and explain my thoughts and feelings to God, I find inner healing. I truly can feel God is helping me through difficult situations. Prayer itself is a type of inner healing.

Sitting in my yard again, beneath the tree and surrounded by my orange, lemon, fig and flower trees, I may look like I am doing nothing. Sitting very still, I listened to my inhale and my exhale. Inside, controlling my breathing, I was doing healing inner work. Some doctors say “Doing nothing is actually doing something.”

Let us be kind to ourselves so that we can be more kind to others.



私はこの困難な時期に、"まず自分の状態に気を配らなければ、本当の意味で人を助けることはできない "という真実に気づきました。




親や介護者は、人に食事を与えたり、人の世話をしたりすることに忙しく、自分自身をケアすることを忘れてしまいがちです。統計によると、心の健康は私たちの生活に非常に大きな影響を与えます。米国の疾病対策センターと全米精神病協会の情報によると、"うつ病や不安障害による生産性の低下は、世界経済に年間1兆ドルの損失を与えている "とのことです。



再び庭に出て、木の下に座り、オレンジ、レモン、イチジク、花の木に囲まれて、何もしていないように見えるかもしれません。私はじっと座って、自分の吸う息と吐く息に耳を傾けました。心の中で、呼吸をコントロールしながら、癒しのインナーワークを行っていました。医者の中には、"何もしないことは、実は何かをしていることだ "と言う人がいます。





第3週目は「パッケ」の洋食弁当。子ども達の大好きなフライドチキンの日は、あちこちからyummy! と感嘆の言葉が聞こえてきます。

